Holymage Studio's profile

"Gaulois - Romains : Le Match" Parc Astérix

For the launch of the 2015-2016 Asterix Park season, Holymage has designed the new Julius Caesar TV channel. 

The new show, "Gauls - Romans: The MATCH" features a giant TV show, set up in the completely renovated arenas. Gauls and Romans will compete against each other in exceptional games. This show, presented by an animator-diva and under the satisfied eye of Julius Caesar, is composed of 3 physical events that will decide the fate of the Gauls. 
Based on an original idea from the Asterix Park

Author: Thierry Calvet
Director: Jean-Claude Cotillard
Mixing and sounddesign : Franck combe
Scenographer: Fabrice Bollen
Video creation : Holymage
Creative Director: Antoine Géré, Xavier Mailliez
2D/3D artists: Vincent Masson, Vadim Androussoff,
Serge Miot, Juliet Constantien
Shooting Team
Directed by Julien Marie
Chief Op: Ugo Tsvetukhin
Sound engineer: Jean Christophe lion
Mixing and sounddesign: Cédric Le doré
Broadcasting system: Yannick Kohn - Modulo Pi
Show control: Kevin Vardon
Holymage in this project:
Co-writing of the shooting scenario.
Direction and shooting.
Conception and Realization of the TV dressing.
Show Control of the Show at the Arena. 
Realization of visuals for the scenery of the Arena.
"Le spectacle «Gaulois-Romains», proposé dans les arènes est une réussite. Cette nouveauté s'articule autour d'une sorte de remake «d'Intervilles» à la sauce romaine avec un texte bien ficelé, des figures acrobatiques travaillées et de fausses publicités décapantes projetées sur un écran géant. Un match entre Gaulois et Romains se termine avec un Jules César «giscardisé» qui, mécontent de perdre les épreuves, assène un «Au revoir»… qui en rappelle un autre! Totale hilarité de l'assistance." 
Le 14/04/2015 par Philippe Viguie-Desplaces, le figaro.fr 
"Gaulois - Romains : Le Match" Parc Astérix

"Gaulois - Romains : Le Match" Parc Astérix

For the launch of the 2015-2016 season of the Parc Asterix, Holymage imagined the new TV channel of Julius Caesar. The new Show, “Gaulois – Roma Read More
